MABC 2024 Camp Ships Log Day 5
We’re just about closing out our week here at the MABC and still today was
a very busy day for our campers! From scaling rock walls to potato
cannons, our young buccaneers had a day filled with thrills and fun!
Our friends in Group 9B (15- to 17-year-olds) spent the morning refining
their scrambling and climbing skills at a site near camp.

At Games, Group 3 sailors played an MABC classic, 9 Square in the Air -
a fun modern take on the playground game Four Square.

Meanwhile the burgeoning seafarers in Group 9A (16- to 17-year-olds)
prepared a meal for themselves in our camp cooking program.

The crew in 6B (12- to 14-year-olds) made tin can lanterns in Arts & Crafts...

...and Group 6A (12- to 14-year-olds) played life-sized battleships in the
games program!

The rascals in Group 3 had a special day of practicing their seafaring as
they learned about cannons in Science & Nature.

Throughout the week at the music program, our campers have had the
awesome opportunity to not only sing but also learn how to make sea
shanties of their own thanks to a grant from The Mockingbird Foundation!

A special shout as always to the contributors who make MABC possible
for coming by to play games with the kids, sing along at lunch, and even
allow our campers to decorate them up for a pirate dressing competition!

Another day of camp gone and we’re all ready starting to miss our
young scalawags as we prepare to send them back ashore tomorrow.
More from us later but until then - Burn Camp signing off!